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To Organic or Non-Organic ?


I often get asked about organic food consumption and there is always a lot of debate around organic and non-organic selection. Does it actually makes a difference?

Recently there was a nutritionist on the radio debating that organic food was not actually beneficial, and everyone that approached me that day had something to say about it. I never actually heard the debate, maybe she was speaking strictly from a nutrient point of view, which is highly debatable anyway. But I would rather stick to as natural as possible regardless of what anyone says.

I have my own personal reasons for favouring organic products (assuming they are credible) and decided to share this little story to open some eyes. My decision to select organic is purely from a point of view of what I term deselection or risk management i.e.: not ingesting nonsense.

Many years ago while living abroad I worked in banana plantations. I had exposure to all the goings on in the fields from banana seedling to fruit to market. I won’t get into the science of how a banana tree is grown to produce fruit, but basically through the growth stages there are multiple trees growing around the main fruit bearing tree.

In order to ensure maximum energy transfer to the fruit bearing tree the other smaller surrounding trees are killed. This was done by injecting benzene into them. Yes benzene. In other fields in I was exposed to in central America there was also a chemical blend of this nature.

Of course it does not just disappear into thin air but seeps into the ground and eventually gets absorbed into the main fruit bearing roots. Bottom line, those bananas definitely contained traces of benzene, and lab testing did produce some shocking results. So when they say fuel up with bananas they truly are not lying.

My point however is that as consumers we are never exposed to the processes of getting food to our shelves, and if we were we might land up starving ourselves for fear of being poisoned. Yes, organic produce is highly expensive, and most will go for non-organic produce. I just advise you to think twice when you have the choice, because the evidence of composition for many non-organic foods , is as I put it quite shocking. My advice to you is, take a look at your weekly menu and switch the most eaten produce to organic, and then move to the next. In this case, it’s not about what you are wanting to take in, but what you are wanting to avoid taking in.

There is so much misunderstood disease going on in this world and one can only think that 90% of the time we eat it. Keep it natural keep it clean.

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